Monday, June 18, 2007

I want to convert a drumrecording to a midifile

This isn't a howto or tutorial yet , it's my experience with trying to get the job done.

Except for Cubase , I don't know of any program that can do this but I'm figuring it out .

A .wav to .mid converter is what I need .
The first thing I found was this package called Waon , so I went downloading it here as it didn't appear when I did a Synaptic (package manager) search .

then I opened a terminal and typed :

$ cd /place/where/I/saved/waon/
$ tar xvfz waon-0.8.tar.gz
then into the new folder , to read the installation notes (skip $ gedit INSTALL if you just want to install):
$ cd waon-0.8/
/waon-0.8$ gedit TIPS & gedit README & gedit INSTALL
to find out I need FFWT , "the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West" subroutine library . mmm , interesting :-p UbuntuStudio already has it , mmm , nice :-)

let's get on with :
/waon-0.8$ gedit Makefile.waon
to view the Makefile , edit and save it as Makefile and then at the terminal type :
/waon-0.8$ make
now I got some errors .
first thing i could read is the package fftw3 couldn't be found in a way .
so I went back to synaptic to mark "fftw3-dev" and hit apply.

to undo the first attempt to install i did :
/waon-0.8$ make clean
and try again :
/waon-0.8$ make
okay, the first error disappeared. the next is simple , just back to Synaptic and mark "libsndfile1-dev" as it is needed to compile our desired package "Waon". Then again :
/waon-0.8$ make clean
/waon-0.8$ make

Now I got clean output . Let's hope I can figure out in the coming days how to work with my new piece of bits and bytes called "Waon" . But now I must find my own waon in a good sleep.

Second way to go : wav2mid , by
Guenther Sohler . He gives a source code package for download , so I'll have to learn compile from source . mmm , encouraging . See my writing under the title "Compiling from source : wav2mid" . (I have to finish it so there's not much to learn yet .)

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