Friday, June 13, 2008

killall esd trick, pstree weirdness

After playing for a while with 64Studio , and trying some packages to change the look and feel of the desktop environment , suddenly I got an error message while starting Jack Control .

I posted a request for help on the 64studio users mailing list . (read it here)

The process esd was already using the hw:0 soundcard, so I could start qjackctl after first doing killall esd. (with Alacarte Menu Editor, it's easy to change the command in properties for Jack Control to "killall esd & qjackctl")
A second option is to go to the GNOME menu, then Desktop , Preferences , Sound , and disable software sound mixing (ESD) .
The third option is to replace libesd0 with libesd-alsa0, this way esd can keep running while I start qjackctl.

Something I still have to try out one day is what Ralf proposed to do here , I just didn't take the time to figure it out yet.

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